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iciHaiti - Environment : Towards the protection and enhancement of the Haitian natural heritage
04/02/2019 07:35:24

iciHaiti - Environment : Towards the protection and enhancement of the Haitian natural heritage
Joseph Jouthe, the Minister of the Environment gathered at the Hotel El Rancho last week executives of the Ministry of Environment, of the State University of Haiti, Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis, Director of the FOKAL, Jocelyn Louissaint, Dean of the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Professor Frank Cézilly, President of Caribea Initiative (an association whose purpose is to contribute to the development of scientific research on biodiversity and the management of animal populations in the Caribbean area) and students, for a working day around the theme v: "Strategic Directions for Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Protection in the Republic of Haiti" with a view to creating a new alliance, with complementary and strong skills around a shared vision.

"We need to strengthen our material and human resources, boost synergies, and add new skills," said Minister Jouthe

According to the Minister, this working meeting marks the starting point of an action which must be perfectly legible and whose results will have to be quickly visible. Recalling to this effect, that priorities for the study and conservation of the fauna of Haiti, have been identified and several projects have already started underlining that Haitian students, future international experts are already in training at the higher level. In addition, reflections on the education and awareness of young people to the environment have been initiated and a master's project in eco-diplomacy at the scale of the insular Caribbean is on the table.

Convinced that this alliance will contribute to a new dynamic for the country, the Minister invited the partners to work actively to the constitution of an organizational structure allowing this alliance to work efficiently and to define its tools of action via a partnership agreement between the 4 stakeholders.

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