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iciHaiti - Invitation : Grande Première of the documentary film «Chabon»
02/02/2019 08:00:01

iciHaiti - Invitation : Grande Première of the documentary film «Chabon»
Following the "Entrepreneurship 2018" Forum, organized under the theme "From Waste to Wealth", the Center for Entrepreneurship and Leadership in Haiti (CEDEL-Haiti) in partnership with "El Fuego Del Sol" (FdS) and the Association of Economic Journalists for Sustainable Development (AJEDD) invites you this Saturday, February 2 to a conference-debate on the transformation of waste into energy, on the sidelines of the premiere screening of the documentary film "Chabon", produced and realized by Sam and Jack Powers.

This 28-minute documentary shows the negative impact of charcoal production and consumption on our environment.

After the screening, a discussion will follow with Jack Powers, filmmaker, as well as Frantz Fanfan and Kevin Adair of FdS Haiti, present in the film.

The conference and screening, open to the general public, will be held on Saturday, February 2, from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Cine Triomphe Complex (Champs de Mars, Street Capois, PAP)

Admission is free, on reservation. To book online : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pD-B3MgM7Fn7qFvXY7XhgGfk4Ff_PZnZIjZzx-vRIJc/edit?chromeless=1

About the movie "Chabon" :
"The forests of Haiti are being destroyed, poverty is forcing many Haitians to risk their lives to illegally cut down trees and produce unsanitary charcoal. Unlike other films produced on the subject, Chabon will interview men and women directly involved in the sale and production of charcoal, providing insight into the genesis of an industry that continues to endanger the lives of desperate Haitians while destroying the national ecosystem..."

The documentary "Chabon" will be available soon online.

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