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iciHaiti - Politic : Surprise visit of Minister Aly to the Palace of Justice
31/01/2019 09:57:08

iciHaiti - Politic : Surprise visit of Minister Aly to the Palace of Justice
Jean Roody Aly Minister of Justice, accompanied by his Director of Cabinet and the Director of Judicial Affairs, together with the Dean of the Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince and the Government Commissioner, conducted this week a surprise visit of the rooms in which criminal and correctional hearings are held on a daily basis to inquire into the status of court hearings in the context of the fight against prolonged pretrial detention.

Minister Aly also met with the President of the Court of Appeal of Port-au-Prince, Jean Joseph Lebrun and reiterated his determination to make every effort to significantly reduce the rate of prolonged pretrial detention.

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