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iciHaiti - Brazil : More than 13,000 Haitians have received residence permits
31/01/2019 08:10:59

iciHaiti - Brazil : More than 13,000 Haitians have received residence permits
Since October 2018, the Brazilian authorities have granted temporary residence permits to over 13,500 Haitian migrants, including 6,100 at the beginning of January 2019.

Thanks to these permits, Haitians can legally reside in Brazil for a period of two years. The beneficiaries of these permits are exempted from all expenses to obtain their regularization of the immigration emphasizes the Brazilian Ministry of Justice, which specifies that the obtaining of the statute of resident "does not imply the recognition of the Brazilian nationality."

Recall that the appointments for VISA family reunification have resumed at the Embassy of Brazil in Port au Prince since March 2018 as part of the new law of migration of Brazil. In addition, the Government of Brazil gives Haitians a priority treatment for humanitarian purposes according to the Interministerial Decree No. 10, dated April 6, 2018 which establishes the granting of the temporary visa and the residence permit, for humanitarian purposes, for refugees, for Haitian citizens and "stateless" residents in Haiti.

By the end of 2016, Brazil had issued a total of 67,000 temporary or permanent residence permits to Haitians https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-21900-haiti-social-more-than-85-000-haitians-have-migrated-to-brazil-chile-and-argentina.html

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