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iciHaiti - Belladère : Theft of cattle to the border, 2 wounded and 2 CASEC on the run !
30/01/2019 09:36:37

iciHaiti - Belladère : Theft of cattle to the border, 2 wounded and 2 CASEC on the run !
A situation of tension reigned last week in Rente Maté (1st communal section of Belladère - Lower Central Plateau) when 4 delegates of the Board of Section Communale (CASEC) intervened to try to stop some residents of the area that allegedly involved in the theft of cattle belonging to Dominican nationals.

An intervention that provoked a clash with the population of the area, the delegates would have opened fire on the crowd where two people were injured and transported to the hospital of Mirebalais. In retaliation, the population sequestered two of the delegates overnight, who were released 24 hours later following the intervention of Belladère police. The other two delegates managed to escape.

The two CASEC delegates who allegedly opened fire on the population were detained for a few hours before being released.

The Support Group for Returnees and Refugees (GARR) deplores the fact that ordinary citizens think they can replace the police force of the commune and take advantage of this incident to advocate for the strengthening of the police force in the border comunes to prevent the recurrence of such an incident.

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