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iciHaiti - Security : 4 dangerous criminal arrested in Cap Haitien
29/01/2019 11:34:38

iciHaiti - Security : 4 dangerous criminal arrested in Cap Haitien
Sunday during a joint operation the National Police of Haiti (PNH) in an area near the town of Jean-Rabel, (North-West) proceeded to the arrest of 4 dangerous criminals actively sought in several jurisdictions for several months, who were part of a gang operating in the departments of North, Northwest and Artibonite. They are Emmanuel Nelson (30), Henry Claude (29), James Pierre (18) and Masse Paulette (47).

According to the Divisional Commissioner Monès Auguste, Departmental Director of the PNH in the North West, they are accused of assassinations of several citizens, kidnapping at least 3 people and criminal conspiracy.

The Departmental Department of Judicial Police (SDPJ) of the North and that of Artibonite will expand their investigations not only to identify the crimes committed by these individuals in several jurisdictions, but also to try to get in the grip of other members of the Gang that would be hidden in Cap Haitien, Jean-Rabel and Gonaïves, according to the Chief of Public Prosecutions of Port-de-Paix, Me Jean Volney Bellamin.

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