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iciHaiti - Japan : Construction of the reception center for women
29/01/2019 09:44:50

iciHaiti - Japan : Construction of the reception center for women
On January 26, a donation contract under the "Donation Assistance to Local Micro-Projects Contributing to Human Security" (APL) was signed at the Embassy's premises, between Mitsuaki Mizuno Ambassador of Japan in Haiti and the Representative of the Haitian Organization United Young Association for the Development of Thomassic (ASJUDT).

This is the project for the development of a reception center at Thomassique to accompany women who have suffered violence and sexual assault in the high plateau area including the commune of Thomassique, submitted by ASJUDT and funded totally by Japan to the tune of 113,483 dollars. With this support, the Reception Center will have : a reception room, an observation room, an office, a cafeteria, a storage room, a kitchen and two toilets totally equipped.

This support project meets the criteria of cooperation of Japan whose main goal is to offer a better social condition to the Haitian population, with a view to supporting sustainable development, including women's empowerment and gender equality.

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