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iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : 10th of the Orangers celebrates the Saint Geneviève
28/01/2019 08:39:37

iciHaiti - Croix-des-Bouquets : 10th of the Orangers celebrates the Saint Geneviève
Sunday, the inhabitants of 10th of Orangers, communal section of Croix-des-Bouquets celebrated in large numbers, their patron saint, Sainte Geneviève.

The Mayor of Croix-des-Bouquets, Rony Colin, accompanied notably by the Deputy Mayors Jean Jonas Saint-Juste and Mrs. Géraldine Jean François Cétoute attended the solemn Mass sung in St. Geneviève Parish.

Under the auspices of the Municipal Administration cultural activities have been organized. The Koudjay Group has provided musical entertainment for the pleasure of thousands of pilgrims and residents.

The town hall for the occasion had carried out development work on the main road to facilitate the flow of thousands of people came to celebrate.

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