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iciHaiti - Politic : The opposition on a national tour
28/01/2019 07:34:02

iciHaiti - Politic : The opposition on a national tour
An important delegation from the Democratic and Popular Sector, a group of moderate and radical opposition parties including among others : Marjory Michel, Schiler Louidor, Evalière Beauplan, André Michel, Nenel Cassy, ​​Daril Baltazar, Fernando Duclair, Antony Barbier, Jn Baptiste Well-beloved, Schella Bolgota, Kelly C Bastien, is touring the territory.

After the city of Cap, the delegation went Sunday in the department of Artibonite where it met more than 500 opposition delegates from the North, Northeast and North-West departments.

According to the opposition, this tour has four objectives:

"1) Gather the friends, comrades, sympathizers, associates and allies of the Democratic and Popular Sector with the aim of creating favorable conditions for the satisfaction of popular demands;

2) Relaunch the mobilization and obtain the resignation of Jean Henry Céant and Jovenel Moïse, both in the same basket and at the service of the oligarchy that looted and impoverished the country for more than 210 years;

3) Carry out the PetroCaribe Trial to mark a new turning point in the battle for the construction of the new Haitian society since the economic and social exploitation system put in place since the assassination of the Founder Father;

3b) And basically based on Corruption, which allowed a small minority to capture all the national wealth by leaving young people, women, peasants and the working classes of the country on the roadside;

4) Organize the Sovereign Haitian National Conference to lay the foundations for the birth of a new Society project in the interest of the entire Haitian population. "

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