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iciHaiti - Culture : School music competition, start of jury visits
27/01/2019 08:57:52

iciHaiti - Culture : School music competition, start of jury visits
As part of the Citizenship Education Campaign, following the launch on January 9th by the Minister of National Education Cadet of the 4th Edition of the Music Competition for Young People in Schools https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26624-haiti-education-launch-of-the-4th-edition-of-the-school-music-competition.html , the first visits of schools by the Jury, began this week in Port-au-Prince in public and private schools.

The Collège Saint-François d'Assisi, the institution of the Sacred Heart of Turgeau, the Lycée du Cent-Cinquantenaire and the Lycée Marie-Jeanne are the first four school institutions to receive the artists involved as members of the jury of this competition and representatives of the Ministry of Education.

BIC, Darline Desca, Nadine Henry the Director of Basic Education and Miloody Vincent the Director of Communication, facilitated this first awareness-raising tour of student satisfaction.

The participation criteria, the Ministry's vision, the registration forms, the objectives of the citizenship education campaign were at the center of the exchanges with the young people, delighted to receive the delegation of the Ministry and the artists involved in this campaign.

At the end of each visit, the artists at the request of students performed songs from their repertoire with students, an aspect illustrating the two key objectives of the contest: discovering talents among young people and promote the spirit of living together, work and succeed together.

The registration and reception of the works began on January 21st and will continue until February 22nd, 2019.

Remember that students must form groups of 3 to 5 participants and their musical production must not exceed 4 minutes. The texts in Creole or in French must respect the theme of the contest "An n kole tèt pou yon lòt Ayiti" and the work must be original and unpublished among others.

School visits will continue in various schools in the West and in the 9 other departments of the country during the awareness period which will last one month.

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