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iciHaiti - Boxing : The Haitian-Canadian boxer Adonis starts walking again
27/01/2019 08:17:55

iciHaiti - Boxing : The Haitian-Canadian boxer Adonis starts walking again
After being placed under controlled sedation (artificial coma) due to head trauma following his KO since December 2018 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-26282-haiti-flash-the-haitian-boxer-adonis-superman-at-the-hospital-in-critical-condition-update.html , the health condition of the former world light-heavyweight champion of the "World Boxing Council" (WBC) the Quebec boxer, Adonis Stevenson (41) of Haitian descent who woke up on December 22, continues to improve, while he started walking again

Information confirmed in a statement from his spouse Simone God, dated Saturday, January 26 that writes "[...] I would like to share an update on the health of our beloved boxing champion Adonis Stevenson [...] Today, I'm happy to say that after a month of exhausting exercises and physiotherapy, Adonis has taken his first steps and he works to walk alone.

Despite his health as a champion, these improvements did not come easily [...] and he continues to show strength and perseverance in his rehabilitation. In addition, I am pleased to say that Adonis [...] is able to talk to our family, friends and medical team. At this point, I am confident that our Superman will recover fully."

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