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iciHaiti - South : 1st Edition of the Inter-school genius focused on human rights
26/01/2019 08:50:32

iciHaiti - South : 1st Edition of the Inter-school genius focused on human rights
In order to promote human rights and involve young schoolchildren in the fight for the effective cultivation of these rights, according to the wish of the Protector of the Citizen, Me Renan Hédouville, in collaboration with the Departmental Direction of Education of South-East, the first edition of the Inter-School Genius Contest focused solely on Human Rights, will begin the third week of February and end the second week of June 2019, at the time of National Children's Day.

Efforts will be combined to raise awareness and involve the maximum number of schools in the department for the realization of this competition. The South East School Directors will have to choose 5 schoolchildren to represent their school at this competition at the end of which, the winners will be honored and rewarded.

This contest will be realized in two phases :

1) The first phase will take place on the radio "Vwa Peyizan Sid" every Wednesday from 5-6pm. In other words, every Wednesday, a presentation on a concept of human rights will be followed by the question-answer game.

With this method, the population and especially the indiscriminate students will be trained, sensitized on the values ​​of human rights and able to participate in the contest.

2) For the second phase, a big final will be organized with the three participants having accumulated more points and this, in a room intended for this purpose. From this final, will be released three winners, who will be rewarded.

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