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iciHaiti - Agriculture : Crop Forecast February to May 2019
24/01/2019 08:48:17

iciHaiti - Agriculture : Crop Forecast February to May 2019
From February to May 2019, coinciding period, on the one hand, with the winter crops (beans, peas Congo, etc.) and, on the other hand, with the launch of the spring agricultural campaign, consumption should be maintained to a more or less normal level and not to deteriorate, partly because of the harvests and also thanks to the generated income of manpower and other activities (petty trading, sale of cattle, diaspora transfers etc...)

However, access to local and imported food will remain limited given their high price. This situation should increase from March/April, with the lean season (until June), due to lack of harvests, apart from banana, roots and tubers, and the beginning of picking mangoes.

Thus, most regions could still be in a situation of Stress (IPC Phase 2) or crisis, especially the areas identified above.

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