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iciHaiti - Education : The Creole will be evaluated
24/01/2019 06:23:51

iciHaiti - Education : The Creole will be evaluated
Following up on the concerns expressed by many actors in the education system about the need to promote the Creole language at all levels, and considering the comments of many education specialists and the Haitian Creole Academy on the importance of using the Creole language in learning at all levels, as well as the importance of the Creole language as an element of national unity and identity.

After consultation at different levels, the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) decided that the Creole will be evaluated in all the series of the renovated Secondary, at the end of the four years of secondary education renovated, from the academic year 2018-2019, this decision is valid regardless of the series followed by the student (SVT, SMP, SES, LLA).

The MENFP therefore invites school directors, departmental directors of education and the technical directors concerned to take all the arrangements for the full implementation of this measure.

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