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iciHaiti - Taiwan : Towards a strengthening of cultural exchanges
21/01/2019 08:57:35

iciHaiti - Taiwan : Towards a strengthening of cultural exchanges
Jean Michel Lapin, Minister of Culture in the presence of his Director of Cabinet, Pradel Henriquez and the Director General of the Ministry Yves Penel, received the Ambassador of Taiwan (Republic of China) Guillaume Cheng-hao Hu, come to explore the possibilities of strengthening cultural exchanges between the two countries.

Cheng-hao Hu, who hailed last year's exhibition of Taiwanese products at the Haitian National Pantheon Museum (MUPANAH), wanted to extend this framework to the Taiwanese and Haitian cultural sectors.

The Minister and the Ambassador agreed to work on a proposal for a binational cultural cooperation agreement, forming part of the overall framework of the cooperation relations signed at the highest level between the two countries for a period of 5 years (2017-2021).

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