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iciHaiti - Mahotière : Closure of the economic strengthening project
21/12/2018 10:47:39

iciHaiti - Mahotière : Closure of the economic strengthening project
Launched on August 2, 2018 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-25181-haiti-social-launch-of-the-economic-recovery-project-in-mahotiere.html the project "Economic strengthening and livelihood improvement" is coming to an end.

Funded by Minujusth and set up by the Panamerican Development Foundation (PADF), this project aimed to support national authorities in strengthening the rule of law and reducing the level of food and social insecurity in Mahotière. This project has made it possible, among other things : to promote the reduction of social violence, to facilitate access to seeds by distributing seed kits to farmers for the spring agricultural campaign, to facilitate petty trade with vulnerable families by distributing Income Generating Activity Kits and strengthening the management capacity of women from vulnerable families

With 1,243 direct beneficiaries and 12,173 indirect beneficiaries, this project had as positive results : the empowerment of women, the improvement of food accessibility, the capacity building of organizations in the area, the improvement of the economic means of families vulnerable farmers and strengthening of producers knowledge on resilient agriculture faced climate change.

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