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iciHaiti - Politic : Summary of the parliamentary week
07/11/2018 07:28:37

iciHaiti - Politic : Summary of the parliamentary week
According to the Citizen Observatory for the Institutionalization of Democracy (OCID), for the week of October 29, 2018 to November 2, after the plenary session in the Senate after more than one month of absence of forum last October 23 https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-25979-icihaiti-politic-summary-of-the-parliamentary-week.html , sessions in the Senate have not resumed because of the absenteeism of many senators...

More than one observer wonders about the role of legislation, of representation and control of the action of the Government by the senators who sits permanently according to the prescriptions of the Constitution and who practices the politics of the empty chair, in a period of great citizen mobilization in favor of accountability and against waste, which weakens the political, economic and social climate of the country.

IH/ iciHaiti

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