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iciHaiti - Sports : D-1 of the arrival of the Haitian-Japanese star of world tennis Naomi Osaka
05/11/2018 10:14:08

iciHaiti - Sports : D-1 of the arrival of the Haitian-Japanese star of world tennis Naomi Osaka
Edwing Charles the Minister of Youth and Sports recently met with Ambassador Marcel Duret, former ambassador of Haiti to Japan around the visit to Haiti of the Haitian-Japanese star (also of US nationality) 5th of world tennis, Naomi Osaka, from November 6 for 4 or 5 days according to his father Leonardo Maxime François https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-25785-icihaiti-tennis-naomi-osaka-4th-in-the-world-soon-in-haiti.html . This will be her second visit to Haiti after that of 2017 https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-22548-icihaiti-flash-a-haitian-japanese-world-star-of-tennis-visiting-haiti.html

The benefits that this visit could have for the young people in general and young athletes in particular were mentioned during this meeting.

Minister Charles says he is very enthusiastic about the commitments that Naomi Osaka and his Haitian father, Leonard Francois, intend to take to encourage the practice of youth sport in Haiti.

Everything is ready at the level of the Ministries of Youth and Sports, Tourism and Culture for a special welcome to Naomi Osaka.

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