iciHaiti - Politic : Farm project in the plain of Les Cayes... 31/05/2018 09:31:57 The discussions focused mainly on 4 points : 1 - The general state of the Commune of Les Cayes ; 2- 2 - The Farms Project for the whole plain of Les Cayes, following the recent mission of the Mayor of Les Cayes in Spain. A project that also concerns several other major cities of the country; 3 - The Rural Police (an agreement was found between the Mayor Fortuné and the CASEC and ASEC to endow the communal sections with police officers who could help the rural areas to maintain a safe climate according to article 330 and following of the rural code of François Duvalier); 4 - The patronal feasts in the communal sections (it has been agreed that an allocation is foreseen in the budget of the Town Hall for the sections whose patron festivals are of great importance.This will be done with the collaboration of the CASEC and ASEC responsible for each parish and the civil society of the zone, in order to better manage the patronal activities). See also : https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-24330-icihaiti-economy-a-dozen-haitian-businessmen-in-spain.html IH/ iciHaiti
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