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iciHaiti - Elections : Indirect elections, suspended for 8 months !
07/05/2018 10:42:10

iciHaiti - Elections : Indirect elections, suspended for 8 months !
The Citizen Observatory for the Institutionalization of Democracy (OCID) is worried about the persistent silence of the authorities on the continuation of indirect elections suspended since July 2017 on the pretext of a legal vacuum that they intended to fill rather quickly.

The Observatory wishes to remind the Senate and the Executive in particular that the setting up of Territorial Collective Assemblies is a constitutional and legal obligation to which they can not escape without being guilty of violating the Mother Law on which they have taken an oath of allegiance and Decrees of 2006 on Territorial Collectivities.

The OCID appeals to the vigilance of the citizens, in particular of all the elected officials of the Territorial Collectivities, to demand the respect of the constitutional guarantees for the decentralization of the country which tends to ensure a better balance of the powers between the central State and the Territorial Collectivities as well as greater citizen participation in public affairs.

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