iciHaiti - Technology : ESIH publishes first augmented reality APP 30/04/2018 09:03:04
Friday the team of the virtual reality laboratory of the Haiti Higher School of Infotronics (ESIH) has published on Google Play Store, the first Android application using augmented reality developed in the Caribbean (at ESIH).
This application was used by Clowns Without Borders (CSF) as part of the photo preview which took place at the Haiti Higher School of Infotronics last March.
Télécharger cette application : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=edu.esih.csf
Important : The photos of the opening required to use the augmented reality application can be downloaded from : www.clownssansfrontieres.ca/plaidoyer/
IH/ iciHaiti