iciHaiti - Belladère : Launch of the construction of the Bvd. Léon Dumarsais Estimé 05/04/2018 07:59:47
Tuesday to Belladère (Center Dept.), President Jovenel Moïse, attended the launch of works of the Boulevard Léon Dumarsais Estimé.
Boulevard Léon Dumarsais Estimé, which will be the largest boulevard in the country, is an initiative of President Moïse, to pay tribute to former President Léon Dumarsais Estimé [16 August 1946 - 10 May 1950] native of Central Plateau.
The construction of this Boulevard is the realization of a promise of the Head of State made to the population of Belladère on March 9, which, in addition to the tribute to the former President Estimé, will greatly facilitate the movement of the population of Belladère.
IH/ iciHaiti