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iciHaiti - Economy : More than 10 billion gourdes of customs deductibles
16/03/2018 10:15:10

iciHaiti - Economy : More than 10 billion gourdes of customs deductibles
Sen. Youri Latortue, Chairman of the Standing Senate Committee "Ethics and Anti Corruption" is concerned about the shortfall of the government because of the large number of import customs deductibles granted.

He says that 40% of the imports benefit from such a franchise which would represent losses of customs revenue that it estimates to a little more than 10 billion Gourdes.

Too many franchises as Senator Latortue, who intends to audit the records of the Ministry of Finance and the General Administration of Customs (AGD) if these franchises are justified by returns in the Haitian economy.

A task that proves difficult because the Commission despite many requests has not yet been able to access the list of beneficiaries of these franchises.

PI/ iciHaiti

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