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iciHaiti - Education : Teachers in high schools with fake diplomas
03/03/2018 08:05:20

iciHaiti - Education : Teachers in high schools with fake diplomas
Thursday, Pierre Josué Agénor Cadet, Minister of National Education has revealed on the National Television of Haiti (TNH) that of the some 4,000 teachers who work in high schools without letter of appointment and whose records are in progress of treatment, it was discovered that more than 90 of them were teaching with fake Bac diplomas.

Minister Cadet indicated that the schools where these false teachers practice were identified, stating that in the Artibonite department, 40 false teachers have been detected for the moment.

He believes that they are teachers who are pushing for their letter of appointment, saying that they will soon have to answer in court. Minister Cadet remains convinced that other similar cases will be discovered on these 4,000 teachers who operate irregularly in the public sector is whose files are still being processed.

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