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iciHaiti - UEH : Few promises held by the State...
11/02/2018 08:52:24

iciHaiti - UEH : Few promises held by the State...
At the last Council of the State University of Haiti (UEH) which met in ordinary session in Montrouis at the end of January 2018, Fritz Deshommes, the Rector and President of the Council confirmed that financially, the Executive finally honored a promise of 25 million gourdes made to the UEH, to allow it to face some pressing constraints.

However, he regretted that other promises are yet to be honored, among others: the Ministry of Economy taking over the debts of the UEH, the coverage of recurrent costs related to certain initiatives taken in the framework of the Emergency Plan, the return of the amounts drawn (in 2014) by the Ministry of Finance on the funds allocated to the project for the construction of dormitories and residences for the Campus Henry Christophe Limonade (CHCl), etc...

In addition, concerning the promise of follow-up of the Ministry of Justice and the Public Prosecutor's Office on vandalism cases, the disappearance of 200 checks from the Rectorate https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-21664-haiti-security-nearly-200-checks-stolen-ueh-takes-stock.html he stressed that there has been no significant progress...

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