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iciHaiti - UEH : 30 million gourdes to support research
07/02/2018 09:41:57

iciHaiti - UEH : 30 million gourdes to support research
The Communication Unit of the State University of Haiti informs us that following the resolution adopted by the Council of the University on the modalities of management of the Support Fund for Research (FAR) of the UEH (FAR/UEH) during its October 2017 session, an amount of 30 million gourdes was allocated to this Fund for the fiscal year 2017-2018 at its ordinary session at the end of January 2018.

This amount will enable the establishment of several axes of the action plan of the Office of the Vice-Rector for Research for the current academic year:

- 25% for support to the operation of research laboratories; The grant of undergraduate theses;
- 25% for the support of the realization of the dissertations of the second cycle and theses of the third cycle;
- 20% support the financing of memories and master theses;
- 10% for co-financing support for inter-university scientific cooperation projects;
- 10% for support for participation in scientific events;
- 5% to support the establishment of charters or their revision at the level of the Post Graduate Studies Department;
- 5% for the award of Excellence Awards.

It should be emphasized that the establishment of this Research Support Fund (FAR) is part of the efforts of the UEH authorities to ensure the effective promotion of research within the institution.

IH/ iciHaiti

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