
iciHaiti - Carnival 2018 : Meringue of students of the National Institute of Music 03/02/2018 08:44:06
The students of the National Institute of Music of Haiti (INAMUH) founded in 2014 (launched by the former President Martelly in 2012 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5887-haiti-culture-official-launch-of-the-national-institute-of-music-of-haiti.html ) stand out during this carnival period with the superb meringue entitled "Bèl Kanaval"
This achievement, in addition to being an exercise that tests the ability of young music students, is promoting the cultural and tourism, of the department of the Center where is established INAMUH under the authority of the Ministry of the culture.
Remember that this institute trains young people in the department of the Center and ensures them a future in the field of music https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-14309-haiti-music-inamuh-first-promotion-of-young-musicians.html
See also :
S/ HaitiLibre