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iciHaiti - Swimming : 5th international edition of Swim for Haiti
29/01/2018 09:07:15

iciHaiti - Swimming : 5th international edition of Swim for Haiti
The 5th edition of the international swimming competition Swim for Haiti gathered this weekend at wahoo bay beach on the Côte des Arcadins, a hundred local and international swimmers from England, Canada, the United States, Germany, Ireland. This new edition of Swim for Haiti was created thanks to a partnership with the Côte des Arcadins Regional Council (CRCA) and Friends Swimmers of Haiti.

In the 10 km race where 23 swimmers were registered, Haiti was represented by our national swimmer Naomy Grand'Pierre, participant in the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016.

It's the American Diego López winner of the 2017 edition, who once again won the 10Km race in 2h28, the Canadian Devon Peavoy (Nova Scotia) finished in 2h53 (the fastest woman) and Naomy finished this tough race in 3h08.

75 other local and international swimmers participated in the 1.5 km run along the shoreline.

Jessy Menos, the Minister of Tourism, present at the time of the awards ceremony encouraged the initiative convinced that such an event is an opportunity to attract more tourists and discover the hidden face of Haiti, which is not not the negative one presented on foreign television channels.

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