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iciHaiti - World Bank: Presentation of the report on urbanization
22/01/2018 09:13:53

iciHaiti - World Bank: Presentation of the report on urbanization
Tuesday, January 23 at the Montana Hotel, the World Bank will launch and present the report on urbanization "Haitian Cities: Actions for today with a look at tomorrow", a current analysis of challenges and opportunities in an urban environment.

"Today, more than half of Haitians live in the city compared to the 1950s when 90% of the population lived in the countryside. Faced with this rapid urbanization, Haiti faces many challenges in terms of basic services, land use planning and exposure to natural disasters. A key question is how to move from reconstruction to resilient urban planning. This first review of urbanization in Haiti proposes strategic changes to improve the consideration of risk, strengthen the resilience of urban policies and planning of cities and offer better services and opportunities to Haitian citizens," says the World Bank.

The event will include a discussion of the results of the report, which will be attended by high level representatives of the Government and the World Bank, including: Jude Alix Patrick Salomon, Minister of Economy and Finance, Anabela Abreu, Country Director of the World Bank, Sameh Wahba, Director of the urban, rural and resilience cluster of the World Bank, Ruthlande Anglade, Director, Ministry of the Interior and Territorial Communities, Vivianne Saint, Chief of Cabinet, Ministry of Public Works, Ralph Youri Chevry, Mayor of Port-au-Prince and Michèle Oriol, Secretary General of the Interministerial Committee for Territorial Development.

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