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iciHaiti - January 12, 2010 : Message to the Haitian diaspora of the Dominican Republic
17/01/2018 08:25:32

iciHaiti - January 12, 2010 : Message to the Haitian diaspora of the Dominican Republic
As part of the 8th anniversary of the commemoration of the earthquake of January 12, 2010 which hit Haiti hard, Mrs. Miousemine Célestin, Chargé d'Affaires ai at the Embassy of Haiti in the Dominican Republic addressed a speech to the Haitian diaspora living in the territory Dominican.

Excerpt from the speech of Mrs. Miousemine Célestin :
"Dear compatriots, dear colleagues, dear friends,

If it is true that it was a natural disaster, this earthquake, by the magnitude of the damage and the exponential dimension of the suffering caused, must challenge our conscience of people on the management that we made of our environment and on urban construction policies [...]

On January 12, 2010, we were crying victims whose number could have been less if only our people were better informed and trained. On January 12, cities such as Port-au-Prince, Léogane and Jacmel were on their knees, [...] which prompted us to question the need to overcome taboos and prejudices that still prevent us from consolidating our Nation on universal values [...]

Because this earthquake did not make any difference of class, race and neighborhoods to carry these victims. Haitians, just as foreigners whose we regret their departure have left their lives because of the absence of certain public policies [...] We also lost that day, buildings, symbols of our pride of people that we are still struggling to rebuild. Our National Palace, the Cathedral Notre Dame of Port-au-Prince, several hotels and other public buildings...

Our resilience of people is out of breath, but we resist. The reconstruction is still in progress and this January 12, 2018, President Jovenel Moise has just laid the foundation stone of our National Palace, as if to prove that we can revive today the most beautiful buildings ever known of our history [...]

January 12 has been in our history for 8 years [...] but we must also remember that history is not just a continuation of the past. It is especially the construction of the present, of what we do every day, of what we realize as projects [...]

[...] I invite you to turn this day into thanksgiving to the Lord and to all the people who accompanied us during these moments of tribulation because we are survivors of this earthquake, which is why we can think of those who left.

We are at the beginning of a new year [...] and I would like to reiterate my wishes for prosperity, health, love and unity so that together we can be more productive and contribute to the progress and improvement of the living conditions of our immigrant brothers in the Dominican Republic. Resist the denigration of all kinds, standing together, regain our pride for a new Haiti, beautiful, prosperous and united."

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