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iciHaiti - Religion : Mgr Max Leroy Mésidor arrived in Port-au-Prince
05/01/2018 08:56:03

iciHaiti - Religion : Mgr Max Leroy Mésidor arrived in Port-au-Prince
After Arcahaie, Cabaret, and Croix-des-Bouquets https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-23171-haiti-religion-mgr-max-leroy-mesidor-expected-in-croix-des-bouquets.html the new Metropolitan Archbishop of Port-au-Prince, Mgr. Max Leroy Mésidor arrived in Port-au-Prince where he was welcomed at the parish of Perpetual Help of Bel-Air before going to the cathedral of Port-au-Prince where a welcoming ceremony between the Mayor of Port-au-Prince nd the archdiocese of Port-au-Prince had been prepared, ceremony during which, Mayor Chevry handed him the keys of the city.

Let's recall that the canonical possession of Mgr Max Leroy Mesidor, will take place Saturday, January 6, 2018 at 9:00am at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption of Port-au-Prince https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-23100-haiti-religion-preparations-for-the-enthronement-of-the-new-archbishop-of-port-au-prince.html

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