iciHaiti - Petit-Goâve : The Mayor forbids his deputies to speak 23/12/2017 06:47:30 This note states that "it is strictly forbidden for the deputy mayors to represent the municipality of Petit-Goâve in public or private activities or to intervene on behalf of the Town Hall if they do not hold a written mandate issued by Mayor Limongy," stating that otherwise "ny agreement signed or any information disseminated provided will have no value and will not engage the City of Petit-Goâve." One may wonder whether a Mayor can deprive his deputies of his speech, on the pretext that he applies Article 66 of the decree which states "The mayor, may, in writing, delegate some of its prerogatives specific to the one of his two deputies of the Municipal Council," and if it can decide alone outside the Municipal Council ? IH/ iciHaiti / Guyto Mathieu (Correspondant Petit-Goâve)
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