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iciHaiti - Culture : ACP parliamentarians visit the metropolitan area
18/12/2017 07:13:58

iciHaiti - Culture : ACP parliamentarians visit the metropolitan area
In the framework of the 48th ACP Parliamentary Assembly bringing together representatives of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-23016-haiti-politic-parliamentarians-from-more-than-106-countries-gather-in-port-au-prince.html several delegations of ACP parliamentarians took advantage of their Sunday to discover a little more Haiti.

A delegation visited the Turgeau Cave (6th section). Local elected officials spoke about the renovation projects of the Cave, a GOAL project funded by the European Union.

At Village des Noailles, Serge Jolimeau, the village elder, spoke about the experience of the work in cut iron to a delegation of parliamentarians. Deputy Price Cyprien from Croix-Des-Bouquets, the deputy Michèle Rivasi from France and other Parliamentarians met with Manman Feray that protects the village.

In Port-au-Prince another delegation visited Maison Dufort (Gingerbread style) recently restored. Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis, President of FOKAL explained the project of support for reconstruction and preservation of Gingerbread houses, recalling that Maison Dufort is a school-site for the restoration of Gingerbread houses in Haiti.

Then the delegation visited the Program of Integrated Development of the Informal Neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince, in Baillergeau whose work is financed by the European Union before a guided visit to the Museum of the National Pantheon of Haiti to close their day.

HL/ S/ iciHaiti

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