iciHaiti - France : Graduation of the 5th promotion of the School of Success 16/12/2017 08:24:55 Let's recall that the "École de la Réussite" (School of Success) , an initiative of the Fondation Let's Help Our Youth to Evolve "Fondation Aidons Nos Jeunes à Évoluer - IYCF", is an insertion program focused on professional learning for overaged tudents in public schools in the municipality of Port-au-Prince. The graduation ceremony allowed more than 170 young Haitians of both sexes to receive quality training in promising sectors such as electricity, plumbing, tiles, catering and hospitality services. Note that this graduation ceremony coincided with the 10th anniversary of a cooperation agreement between the Municipality of Port-au-Prince and the La Rochelle Agglomeration Municipality, which has been working in Haiti since 2001, particularly in the field of education. IH/ iciHaiti
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