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05/12/2017 09:43:27

iciHaiti - Tourism : For a tourism accessible to all
In a note, Colombe Emilie Jessy Menos, the Minister of Tourism, reminds and invites public and private operators to make every effort to promote the conditions of access for persons with disabilities to tourist establishments and services, in order to ensure the respect for their rights and freedoms, as well as access to the Haitian tourism market, in accordance with the law https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-5278-haiti-social-the-right-of-persons-with-disabilities-to-the-social-inclusion-enshrined-in-the-law-of-march-13-2012.html

She also takes the opportunity to encourage operators in the sector to ensure that the training of their staff takes into account the specific needs of tourists and other users with disabilities.

Aware of the progress that has already been made on this subject, Menos recalls that her Ministry continues to work with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor (MAST), the Office of the Secretary of State for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (BSEIPH) and the Christian Blind Mission (CBM), with a view to further developing the framework necessary for the application of the law of 13 March 2012.

IH/ S/ iciHaiti

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