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iciHaiti - Politic : Training of 100 executives of the Ministry of Agriculture
05/12/2017 09:10:27

iciHaiti - Politic : Training of 100 executives of the Ministry of Agriculture
The Ministry of Agriculture recently launched in Port-au-Prince, the third series of training for executives in planning/programming, budgeting and monitoring and evaluation. Two other series took place the weeks passed in the North and the South in the same perspective.

This program aims to build the capacity of a hundred Ministry staff through training and skills transfer aimed at improving the organizational performance of the Ministry.

"The Ministry is determined to ensure the enhancement of learning and new skills, to improve the quality of plans, programs and projects, in accordance with the objectives of the Coordination Unit Study and Programming," said Vilmont Eric Junior, Representative of the Minister of Agriculture, present at the launching ceremony.

For her part, Martine Thérer, Deputy Director of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) emphasized the essential role of agriculture in achieving sustainable development goals adopted by Haiti in 2015 "historic commitment of the Program sustainable development by 2030 to get rid of the two scourges of poverty and hunger can become a reality if we work together, if all actors join and share their knowledge."

It should be noted that these courses are supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), with the technical expertise of the UNDP and the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine of the State University of Haiti.

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