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iciHaiti - Canada : Launch of a important Mother-Child Health Project in the North
06/11/2017 09:17:12

iciHaiti - Canada : Launch of a important Mother-Child Health Project in the North
This Weekend in Cap-Haitien, Quartier-Morin, Limonade and Grande-Rivière du Nord, the International Health Unit of the University of Montreal (USI), the Center for Studies and International Cooperation (CECI), together with the Ministry of Public Health, launched the Support Project for the Mother-Child Health Continuum in Haiti (ACOSME-Haiti).

This project, an initiative of the Muskoka municipality in Ontario, is funded by the World Affairs Office of Canada and supports approximately 20 health centers. It aims to contribute to the reduction of maternal and infant mortality in Haiti; improving the supply and services of health, training and the development of the competence of health care providers.

The ACOSME-Haiti project supporting the Ministry of Health will extend over a period of 4 years and should benefit approximately 450,000 beneficiaries.

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