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iciHaiti - Politic : Minister Fleurant at the summit on the effectiveness of NGO assistance
24/10/2017 10:31:55

iciHaiti - Politic : Minister Fleurant at the summit on the effectiveness of NGO assistance
Aviol Fleurant, the Minister of Planning and External Cooperation participated in the "Summit on the effectiveness of aid given by the organizations of civil society and NGO organizations" which was held at the Karibe Hotel from 19 to 21 October 2017.

This activity, developed by "Ansanm Pou Ayiti", a Haitian civil society organization, brought together non-profit institutions from diverse horizons to create a space for reflection to find concerted and sustainable solutions to the problems confronted by NGOs.confronted by NGOs.

In his speech, Minister Fleurant was pleased that it was a civil society organization that took the initiative for this Summit and thanked the organizers for awakening the national conscience on the need to do better with NGOs.

The Minister recalled that NGOs "[...] have a very important role to play in the development of the country by providing capital, know-how, and by giving confidence to investors" ensuring that the Haitian public administration is aware of the important contributions made by these organizations.

While being separate, independent and autonomous actors of development, Minister Fleurant invited the NGOs to coordinate their efforts with those of the government in order to obtain results which are in conformity with the objectives of sustainable development expected by the Republic of Haiti.

IH/ iciHaiti

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