
iciHaiti - Energy : Installation of solar panels continues at the Centrale of Coteaux 23/10/2017 10:49:41
As part of the reconstruction of the electrical system devastated by the passage of Hurricane Matthew in October 2016, the American firm Solar Electric Ligth Fund (SELF), continues the installation of solar panels, started on September 21, at the central of the "Coopérative Electrique de l’arrondissement des Coteaux" (CEAC) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-10599-haiti-economy-first-electric-cooperative-in-haiti.html . These work are supported technically and financially by an environment from a fund of the Government of Norway.
The goal is to install 140 kilowatts available to CEAC prior to Matthew's passage in order to supply members of the Cooperative https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-22258-haiti-technology-coteaux-hybrid-power-plant-soon-rehabilitated.html
72 of the 84 solar panels are already installed to produce 40 kilowatts, says Litho Thilus, CEO of CEAC.
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S/ iciHaiti