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iciHaiti - FLASH : Deputy Gary Bodeau convoked by the justice...
19/10/2017 08:11:08

iciHaiti - FLASH : Deputy Gary Bodeau convoked by the justice...
In a letter Me Jean Wilner Morin, the investigating judge to the Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince informs Cholzer Chancy the President of the Chamber of Deputies, that he convenes the Deputy of Delmas Gary Bodeau, Quaestor of the Lower House and President of the majority bloc "Parliamentary Alliance for Haiti" (APH) for questioning.

"Mr President,

We, Jean Wilner Morin, investigating judge of the Court of First Instance of Port-au-Prince, we present our compliments and inform you that the person named Gary Bodeau is invited to appear in our Criminal Investigative Cabinet on Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 10am to be questioned a second time around the case of the assassination of Alix Mary Junior Gassan on 24 February 2012, following the disappearance of Joseph Robert François Marcello former Coordinator of the National Commission of Public Contracts [...]"

In a reply to Judge Wilner, Deputy Cholzer Chancy reminded the Magistrate that "the function of a member of the legislative body exercised by the Honorable Deputy Gary Bodeau does not assigns you a competence to question him on any matter whatsoever, without the approval of his Assembly."

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