
iciHaiti - Politics : PM pays tribute to Dessalines 15/10/2017 10:17:33
As part of the week of reflection on the 211th anniversary of the death of Emperor Jacques I, decreed by the Ministry of Culture on behalf of the Government https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-22368-haiti-history-the-government-declares-a-week-of-reflections-on-jean-jacques-dessalines.html , as a prelude to the commemoration of the 211st anniversary of his death on October 17, Prime Minister Jack Guy Lafontant paid a resounding tribute to the founding father of the Haitian nation. He encamped Dessalines as "a legend, a providential man, a rallying force of all the living forces of the country, a visionary hero, an inspirer, a builder of the union of blacks and mulattoes" which would lead to independence.
Prime Minister Lafontant has elevated Jean-Jacques Dessalines to the rank of major, "that of military strategist, engineer of the nation, creator of the flag, founder of the Public Administration, creator of the Haitian State [...] He is the incomparable hero, by his history, his vision, his inspiration as Founder. Dessalines is alive. He lives in each of us," said the Head of Government in his tribute.
IH/ iciHaiti