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iciHaiti - Health: Tripartite partnership agreement signed with OFATMA
04/10/2017 11:01:55

iciHaiti - Health: Tripartite partnership agreement signed with OFATMA
Dr Agabus Joseph, Director General of the Office of Workers' Compensation, Sickness and Maternity Insurance (OFATMA), signed a tripartite partnership agreement between OFATMA, the University Hospital of Mirebalais (HUM), represented by the Dr. Cherenfant and the St. Nicholas Hospital of St. Marc represented by Dr. St. Fleur.

This agreement aims to improve the coverage of insured persons by the transfer of know-how and the strengthening of the technical platforms of the institutions involved in this Convention.

Dr. Agabus Joseph took the opportunity to visit the offices of OFATMA in Mirbalais and Hinche; the Hospital Sainte Thérèse of inche, a peripheral unit of OFATMA and welcomed the reception received in the various regional services.

This is in line with the new vision of the new Government to provide quality health care to the OFATMA policyholders in particular and to the general population.

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