
iciHaiti - Economy : Investments, many promises few confirmations... 18/07/2017 10:59:11
For the fiscal year 2015-2016, the Investment Facilitation Center (CFI) through its Facilitation Department processed 46 investment projects, of which 39 were approved by the Interministerial Commission of Investments (CII) for the incentives.
These 39 investment projects total $ 1.27 billion US and plan to create 25,000 jobs. In addition, through the services of AfterCare of CFI https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-21410-haiti-economy-aftercare-unit-of-cfi-serving-the-business-sector.html accompanied 102 companies in difficulty for a resolution of 57 cases.
However, between the planned investments and their concretizations the gap is large... Thus, for the first quarter (2016-207), the CFI confirms received only 9 investment projects for a total of $ 23 million out of 900 million forecast, noting that the planned investments are not necessarily the investments made.
IH/ S/ iciHaiti