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iciHaiti - Jacmel : Center Alcibiade Pommayrac champion of TeleGénie
14/06/2017 10:45:45

iciHaiti - Jacmel : Center Alcibiade Pommayrac champion of TeleGénie
At the initiative of the organization "Young Active for the Development of Jacmel" (JADEJ), a first edition of TéléGénie scolaire was carried out in the metropolis of the South-East, from May 11 to June 12, 2017. This first edition was organized on the high patronage of the Jacques Khawly Foundation, in collaboration with "Kalfou Zantray Kilti" (KAZAK) as well as other partner institutions.

36 students from the second class to the philo, from 6 schools in the city took part in this activity which took place in the premises of the Bar de l'Air. The hich schools Pinchinat and Célie Lamour, Institution Nossirel Lhérisson (INL), the Institution of the Bon Pasteur (IDEPH), the Center Alcibiade Pommayrac and Vie de France were the schools in competition. For one month each Tuesday and Thursday students from these institutions demonstrated their abilities and intellectual knowledge from a cheerful audience and a jury composed mostly of teachers and professors at the university, each team had as objective to answer as many questions as possible to defeat its opponent in order to reach the final phase. Questions included literature, philosophy, general culture, sport, and mathematics.

The grand finale of the TéléGénie competition took place on June 8 between the Nossirel Lhérisson Institution and the Center Alcibiade Pommayrac. After deliberation by the jury, the Center Alcibiade Pommayrac was crowned champion at the expense of the Institution Nossirel Lhérisson ranked second, while Lycée Célie Lamour of Jacmel won third place.

At a time when the Haitian education system is facing serious problems "The idea of conducting this TéléGénie scolaire was aimed at filling the lack of intellectual energies among young people in the city [...]" declared Ms. Rose Carlette Saint-Germain, Coordinator of JADEJ.

Despite all the names of Jacmel, namely the cultural capital, the tourist and creative city, JADEJ members say to have observed in recent years that there is a mental poverty of intellectual in the city. A situation that pushed them to join to set up this association, in order to enhance this escape of intellectual values.

Jacques Junior Khawly, President of the Jacques Khawly Foundation, welcomed the initiative taken by these young people to carry out this contest. "One of the objectives of our Foundation is to invest in the training and education of young people who represent the driving force that can put Haiti on the rail of development. And we at the Foundation always encourage these activities."

For their part, Brunet Blaise and Hilaire Patricio, respectively students of philo and rheto of Center Alcibiade Pommayrac and Institute Nossirel Lhérisson, did not hide their satisfaction wishing that this kind of initiative persists in Jacmel, for the full intellectual flourishing of young people.

In a cultural and artistic atmosphere, the awards ceremony will be organized next week, according to Lesly Décembre, the Artistic Director of KAZAK. Touch tablets, books, internet keys are some of the prizes that will be awarded to the winners.

IH/ iciHaiti / Claudy Bélizaire (Correspondant Jacmel)

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