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iciHaiti - Tourism : Moïse visits the major El Rancho extension works
05/05/2017 09:39:56

iciHaiti - Tourism : Moïse visits the major El Rancho extension works
Thursday, President Jovenel Moïse, accompanied by Émilie Jessy C. Ménos, the Minister of Tourism visited the extension of the NH El Rancho hotel complex in Petion-ville.

It is a project to build, over a period of 5 to 6 years, a high-level tourist center, a convention center, an Institute of Higher Studies in Governance (IHEG) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20523-haiti-education-soon-an-institute-of-higher-studies-in-governance.html , towers of apartments, etc... according to Réginald Boulos.

The Head of State took the opportunity to speak with the shareholders of the hotel and express his pride in the efforts made by the Haitian entrepreneurs. "We are here to encourage, promote entrepreneurship and private investment," said the Head of State.

Minister Ménos welcomed this project, which creates jobs with a high intensity of Haitian workforce and took the opportunity to encourage other players in the tourism sector to come and invest in Haiti.

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