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iciHaiti - Politics : World Press Freedom Day
03/05/2017 08:33:18

iciHaiti - Politics : World Press Freedom Day
This Wednesday, May 3, Haiti celebrates the This Wednesday, May 3, Haiti celebrates the around the theme "Critical Minds for Critical Times: Media’s role in advancing peaceful, just and inclusive societies" On this day Limond Toussaint, the Minister of Culture and Communication, declared :

Extract from the speech of Minister Toussaint :
"Today, the world has become a global village and journalism is seen as the cornerstone of any society in search of modernity. In these critical times, the press must have an integrated policy approach to promote inclusive economic and social development. [...] In this sense, the responsibility of the Press goes through the horizon of daily news [...] its smooth functioning can play a considerable role in the consolidation of our young democracy while helping to move towards sustainable development.

[...] Freedom of the Press, enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Article 19, was acquired in Haiti at the cost of many sacrifices. This democratic conquest must be perpetuated by a strengthening of the Press. Indeed, freedom of expression is a daily and permanent struggle [...] The Ministry on behalf of the Government welcomes the memory of all those who fought to bring us to this great democratic achievement and would like to take this opportunity to welcome the work of media owners, journalists' associations, press workers and all the actors involved in the struggle for Freedom of the Press."

IH/ iciHaiti

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