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iciHaiti - Culture : Capacity building tour of cultural associations
18/04/2017 11:15:41

iciHaiti - Culture : Capacity building tour of cultural associations
The TAMISE Cultural Association, in partnership with the Minustah, organizes workshops in "Communication and capacity building", lasting three days each, for a total of 225 young artists. These young women and men are members of cultural associations and civil society active in Port-au-Prince (also including artists from Fort-National and Carrefour), Cap-Haïtien, Fort-Liberté, Port-de-Paix, Jacmel, Les Cayes, Jérémie and Miragoâne.

These workshops target a maximum number of young people involved in the Minustah "Ann chwazi lapè" campaign for the reduction of community violence, through the network of young singers of "Vwa Ayiti pou lapè", the training tour of 200 young artists conducted in 2015 by James Germain, Emeline Michel and Beethova Obas https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13637-haiti-culture-double-national-tour-for-peace.html . Then, members of the theater groups formed by the association "Les Rescapés" and other active associations are invited. "We expect a multiplier effect and a unifying movement through the networking of all these young people across the country who have been committed since the beginning of the campaign for a culture of community peace," explains Gary Lubin, the Secretary General of TAMISE, which is implementing this project funded by the Office of Strategic Communication and Public Information of the UN Mission.

Interveners of the Minustah will also sensitize participants on non-violent communication and how to take into account the gender perspective into the structures of associations and in the development and implementation of cultural projects.

The organization of these workshops comes at a crucial moment in the life of the Mission in transition, whose one of the priorities is to build the capacities of young people to become themselves agents of change and promoters of the culture of peace in their respective communities.

Training Workshop Schedule :

From April 17th to 19th: Port-au-Prince
April 20 to 22: Jacmel
From April 25th to 27th: Les Cayes
May 3 to 5: Miragoâne
May 16th to 18th: Jérémie
From May 25th to 27th: Cap Haïtien
May 29 to 31: Fort-Liberté
From 6th to 8th June: Port-de-Paix

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