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iciHaiti - Tourism : Towards the development of the Turtle Island
16/04/2017 10:09:30

iciHaiti - Tourism : Towards the development of the Turtle Island
Colombe Emilie Jessy Menos, Minister of Tourism accompanied by its Director General, Andy Durosier, met with a team from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) about the "Integrated Regions of Touristic Development" program in the South (RIAT-Sud), launched in September 2015 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-15031-haiti-tourism-30-tourist-projects-will-start-on-the-south-coast.html

This RIAT-Sud program that includes thirty projects https://www.icihaiti.com/en/news-16885-icihaiti-tourism-monitoring-of-the-project-riat-sud.html financed by the IDB to the tune of $36 million and implemented by the Technical Implementation Unit (UTE) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance ($30 million) and the Ministry of Tourism ($ 6 million), seeks sustainable tourism with the inclusion of local communities.

The IDB team provided an update on major urgent issues in the RIAT-Sud program. In particular, it reviewed the SME-related phases, the Tourism Satellite Account, the Hotel and Tourism Training Institute and the Institutional Reinforcement of the Ministry of Tourism.

In addition, the tourist development of Turtle Island was introduced in the agenda of discussions with the IDB, which confirmed the possibilities of finding financing for the tourist development of this island, a project that the IDB has promised to study.

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