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iciHaiti - Politic : The American Chamber of Commerce Congratulates the Executive
15/04/2017 09:00:25

iciHaiti - Politic : The American Chamber of Commerce Congratulates the Executive
In a note, the American Chamber of Commerce in Haiti (AmCham) congratulates the members of the Executive and Parliamentarians for the elaboration of the Legislative Agenda containing some 50 draft laws and proposals to be voted by the Parliament during the current legislative year https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20623-haiti-flash-legislative-agenda-2017-50-draft-laws-and-proposals.html

Aware of the importance of the concerted work that will be necessary to carry out this Legislative Agenda, AmCham welcomes the commitment of both authorities to work together to achieve this important work. It also takes the opportunity to encourage Parliament to engage in wide-ranging consultations with all sectors concerned by the draft laws contained in the Legislative Agenda. The American Chamber of Commerce encourages its members, the private sector as a whole, as well as concerned parties from civil society and the diaspora, to take part in the debate so that the laws adopted fully promote the economic and social development of Haiti.

Download the Legislative Agenda 2017 (PDF) : https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/agenda-legislatif-10-04-2017.pdf

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