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iciHaiti - Major Project : The Lorquet Foundation suggests the largest solar power plant
04/04/2017 10:48:27

iciHaiti - Major Project : The Lorquet Foundation suggests the largest solar power plant
The Lorquet Foundation for a New Haiti (FOLONHA) notes that in recent history, only four remarkable and historic infrastructure projects have been carried out in Haiti, including: Péligre hydroelectric power station (Paul Magloire / François Duvalier); International Airport (François Duvalier); The Bicentenary (of which Dumarsais Estimé planned to extend until Carrefour) and the construction of the town of Belladère (Dumarsais Estimé). No government in the last two decades has left projects of remarkable scope.

As a member of the Civil Society, the Foundation proposes to the Moïse-Lafontant administration to make the difference by equipping the country with the largest solar power plant in the Caribbean, which would solve the chronic problem of electric rationing. Thus, the Moïse-Lafontant administration would leave a realization for Haiti, which will have the merit of being retained in history alongside other visionary accomplishments already proposed by the Government, among other, of peripheral highways and a cable car https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20446-haiti-politics-major-projects-of-the-ministry-of-tourism.html

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